My lump under my arm is an infected hair follicle (ingrown hair). My anxiety, stress, and increased alcohol consumption were all for nothing. I have decided that I am not going to give cancer anymore of my energy! I am done with it in my body and quite frankly I am just done with it.
In the last two weeks, cancer has wreaked havoc on the lives of people I love. My friend's mother was just diagnosed with breast cancer. There is an amazing woman who has reached the end of her battle and is waiting for God to call her home. In this same family, another member is preparing to fight the disease. Finally, I have another friend whose father was recently diagnosed. Doesn't it make you want to just scream out a million different curse words all directed towards this dreadful disease?
You know how when you experience something really bad you hope that it only happens to you? You take one for the team. I felt that way when cancer infected my life and my family. I hoped that I took one for the team. Now it is back and trespassing into the lives of those I care about.
I am angry!! I also know that my friends and family gave me so much hope and love during my battle. I am going to take a page out of their book and provide the same to my friends. But for right now, I am going to stomp my feet and continue to curse this dreadful disease for a bit longer!!
You are such an inspiration to everyone who will battle cancer, Kari! My thoughts and prayers are with your friend's mother and family member!
I am so happy you are ok and praying everyone else has your outcome and strength too! Love you sista!