Monday, December 31, 2012


During the homily this week at mass, I renewed my wedding vows. Definitely not something I was expecting to do at Sunday mass along with all of the other couples in the congregation.

When I first said my vows, I didn't know or understand the enormity of them. Now "in sickness and in health", "in good times and bad" have real meaning. After fourteen years of marriage, those vows are real. We have been through a lot over the years and reaffirming that we are "all in" in front of our children and the entire congregation at church was very moving and it caused me to shed a few tears. However, I was quickly brought back to the moment with comments like, "Shocker, Mom's crying", "Mom, you are such a dork!"

The New Year is upon us and so many people are already making their resolutions. I never really understood the idea of resolutions once a year. How can you resolve to change just once a year? It isn't possible, which explains why the gyms are packed in January and empty by March. Your promise can begin in January, but it needs to be reaffirmed throughout the year. Much like marriage vows. You need a reminder of your resolution.

The start of a new year is exciting. It's wonderful to have new goals and make promises, but don't just say them on January 1st. Write them down and reaffirm them throughout the year. They may mean more to you the next time you say them!!

I have a few resolutions for 2013:
1. Clear the clutter! I have already completed the second floor of our house and filled over 40 bags of garbage and donations.

2. Get my gifts to the recipients ON TIME! I am always late for birthday gifts, cards and such. My goal is to actually have a niece or nephew open their present on their birthday. As I tpye this, my nephew's present is staring me in the face. (his birthday was yesterday)

3. Make sure my family knows I love them! Arguments, time, and distance can cause "issues"......those issues really don't matter.

4. PASS THE CALIFORNIA BAR THE FIRST TIME! I keep saying this hoping that if I say it enough, I can actually make it happen:)

Happy New Year!!

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