Tuesday, October 23, 2012

What's in a name?

The first thing you must do to create a blog is name it.  "The pressure of a name."  "You want a name?"  "Cindaf***rella!"  Please tell me you recognize these movie lines?

Living Sincerely.  That is what I named by blog.  The name is a reminder of how I want to live my life and a reminder of how I learned to live sincerely.  Truth be told, I took a pledge.  Vanessa Tiemier is a courageous young woman who is losing her battle with breast cancer.  Vanessa began a movement of people all over the world to take the pledge to Live Sincerely.  The pledge:

  I will live sincerely.

I will learn from each person and each day on my journey
and will share ideas and wisdom from my own experiences.

With a grateful spirit, I will acknowledge my need for others  and will in turn be loving and generous,
remembering that every member of a community plays a unique role.

I will remain strong in my convictions
while keeping an open mind to perspectives beyond myself.

Courageously, I will respect each movement of my heart,
through fear and joy, grief and peace.

I will cultivate my passions with delight
and also take time for honest introspection.

I will love the person I am today
while constantly striving towards my best self.

I will keep a healthy balance between the rewards of discipline  and the growth and wonder that spontaneity brings.

I will acknowledge both the marvel and the limitations of my body  and respectfully take care of it the best I can.

Accepting the reality that there are circumstances I cannot change,  I will seize my power to actively change that which I can control  with hope and creativity.

I commit to living each chapter of my story:
honoring the lessons and gifts of my past,
fully participating in the fleeting beauty of the present,
and bravely walking towards the unknowns of my future.

Knowing that life is an enduring but glorious struggle,
I pledge to live each day with purpose.

I will live sincerely.

I am naming my blog in honor of Vanessa and as a daily reminder of how I should be living my life.  I have never met Vanessa, but her story and her courage inspire me.  She is facing her destiny with honor, courage and humor.  People all across the world are taking the pledge.  This beautiful pledge written by a young lady who is going to leave this world far too soon.  So, I am going to vow to live sincerely and share my journey with you.  I expect you to take the pledge too. 

1 comment:

  1. Pretty Woman!
    Just found you from 71 Toes. Love your site. Looking forward to getting to "know" you here.
