Thursday, October 10, 2013

October Awareness

October is here.  The month is not about a pink ribbon.  It is about awareness.  I want to make you aware of those women with advanced breast cancer.  I want to make you aware of the emotional struggles these women face.

I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2006.  At that time, one round of chemo cost $26,000.
I had insurance and was only responsible for 20% of that amount. (that last sentence is oozing with sarcasm)  Luckily, by the third round of chemo, I reached my out of pocket maximum and had 100% coverage. (again complete sarcasm)  My medical bills continued into 2007 allowing me to reach my out of pocket maximum for two consecutive years.

My battle ended.  Women with metastatic breast cancer keep fighting.  They must fight continuously to stay alive.  Metastatic breast cancer is cancer that began in the breast and spread to other parts of your body.  There is no cure for advanced breast cancer.  Women continue treatment to stay alive.  They may receive chemotherapy weekly.  They may receive radiation regularly.  They are on various medications.  These women reach their out of pocket maximum every single year.  These women have families.  They are fighting to stay alive knowing they will never be cancer free.  How long do they continue to fight?

These questions have been weighing on me.  Recently, a friend with advanced breast cancer told me that her mother thought she should quit treatment.  I became enraged.  My friend has two young girls and a husband. How could her own mother actually say those words to her daughter?  I found it insensitive and it really bothered me.  However, I began to understand the choice these women face.

The majority of women battling advanced breast cancer are not the Elizabeth Edwards type. (filthy rich) The money spent on treatment depletes their savings accounts.  My friend has been battling for seven years.  I cannot begin to comprehend the amount of medical bills the family owes.  The family will be paying those bills long after she has lost her battle.  The family's financial future will be affected for years after she is gone.

As a mother, you want to fight to stay alive.  Fight to see one more birthday, one more Christmas, one more year.  As a mother, you also think about them after you are gone.  Will they be able to handle your absence financially and emotionally?  Are you being selfish wanting more time knowing the inevitable outcome?
To me the answer will always be to fight.  You fight until the end.  Yet, these women deal with many emotional conflicts.  They think about now and the future.  They face these struggles and questions on a daily basis.

I think her mother was very wrong to say those words, but I understand why they were said.  A cancer diagnosis does not just affect the patient.  It affects the entire family and those close to the patient.  My battle lasted barely two years.  My friend is on year seven.  She is going to fight until the end because that is what mother's do.  We don't know what the future holds.  A new medical treatment could be discovered that cures her.  The cancer could simply stop growing insider her.  The current treatment plan could give her 10 more years.  Cancer is a journey of unknowns. That is why you continue to fight and never give up!      


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